Teaching @ Cape Maeda / ライセンス講習@真栄田岬
Advanced Scuba Diver Course / アドバンススクーバダイバー
Today we went to Cape Maeda for Advanced Scuba Diver course Day 2.
The guest was Charles.
Today's menus were Deep dive, Compass navigation, and SAC rate check. We had to finish these before the sea getting nasty in this afternoon.
The 1st dive was a deep dive down to 30mtrs/100ft. We did a puzzle game down there to see how the nitrogen narcosis affected divers.
And stopped by Blue Cave. All to ourselves.
Also, Maeda's idol, batfish.
In the 2nd dive, we did a compass navigation.
A coral planting area.
And we wrapped up the course with SAC rate check (Surface Air Consumption) which gives you an idea of your air consumption.
SAC rate actually tells you how much air pressure you use per minute at the surface by checking your air consumption at different depths. In general, the more you dive the less your SAC rate becomes since you start breathing effectively.
We stayed at 10m and 20m for 10mins each and checked how much air we spent at each depth. With that, you can calculate your SAC rate.
And all done!
Congratulations Charles on completing Advanced Scuba Diver course.
And again thanks for your hard work for last five days. You truly deserve it.
Have a good rest tomorrow and hope the weather recovers on Saturday so that we can do some fun diving.
Bye now.
Wouldn't you like to see a school of Hammerhead sharks?
How would you feel if you face the big underwater ruin which has been there for possibly thousands of years?
If you are interested in, OKINAWA 39ers has set up several trips down to Yonaguni island this winter so please check >>> Yonaguni Tour 2017.
Website : www.okinawa39ers.com
Facebook : www.facebook.com/okinawa39ers/
今日のメニューはディープダイビング、コンパスナビゲーション、そしてエアー消費量(SAC rate)チェック、でした。
あまり聞いた事ないだろうけど、SAC Rate (Surface Air Consumption Rate)と言い、まあ一般的に本数潜って経験豊富なダイバーになればなるほど、その数値が下がります。ただ体の大きい男性は小さな女性より肺活量自体に差があるので、ハンデと言うか、越えられない壁はあります。ま、自分の中でダイビングが上達するに従って数値が下がっていくので、上達の一つの目安にはなるのでは。自己満足できます。あと、使用するタンクの大きさによっても違うので、計算したらログブックに使用したタンクサイズを忘れずに記入しましょう。
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