
Travelling in Japan

12/ 27 (sat)

Fun diving in Kerama Islands / ファンダイビング in ケラマ諸島
1st @ Kamiyama Labyrinth, Kamiyama / 神山ラビリンス、神山
Water Temp : 23.4C / 74F
Time : 27mins
Depth : 9.3mtrs / 31ft

2nd @ Touma, Zamami Isld / トウマ,座間味島
Water Temp : 23.6C / 74F
Time : 47mins
Depth : 16.0mtrs / 52ft

* 日本語部分は後半にあります。

2014 is almost over. And today we went to Kerama islands for fun diving.

The guest was Melody from California. She is currently travelling in Japan with her friend.

In the 1st dive, there was a big group of small barracuda right under the boat.

It really was a nice day today both on a boat and underwater.

Garden eels.

She got a massive sea-cucumber.

Clown anemone fish.

Transparent body shrimp.

Lion fish going for a walk.

Thanks Melody for today.
It was a bit pity that you got sea sick, however, we saw a lot underwater, huh? Your trip in Japan just started now so enjoy the rest of your stay, and wish you have a nice New Year.

Bye bye





メロディ、今日はありがとね。残りの日本滞在も楽しんで。そして良いNew Yearを迎えることを祈ってます。

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